Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Anniversary Suggestions

This blog's third birthday is coming up in just a few days, and I was wondering if there were any special suggestions or requests for ways to mark such a momentous occasion. I meant to ask much sooner, since now it's likely I won't have the time or inclination to do a lot of work, but you never know.


DC said...

Happy 3rd birthday, don't think I was there at the beginning, so how about a retrospective - favorite postings or postings you'd like to redo? On the flip side - a posting for the next three years - blog wise and life wise?

Tim said...

naked picture? background change? free cake?

Frank said...

The retrospective is what I was thinking of, but, frankly, I don't know where to start. I'd bascially have to go back and read the whole thing, and I'm not sure I'll have enough time or patience for that. If you have any suggestions, though, I'm open-earred. The "next three years" is an interesting idea. I may do that.

Tim: Believe me, you don't want to see any naked pictures. I've been eating a bit too much free cake. Background change, though? Hmmmmm....

Tim said...

doing a retrospective of a supposed future past is always fraught with peril. ...gives to much ammunition to the evil fates!

Anonymous said...

how about pictures of you through out the 3 years?

Anonymous said...

Yes. Pictures.
Remember: boys are visually oriented.