Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Infinite Despair

I'm always intrigued by those who react with existential dread in the face of the concept of infinity, because that isn't my reaction at all. I'm intrigued and awed by infinity, but I find a sort of wonder, even comfort in it. To have something vast, vaster even than I can conceive, to be insignificant for both good and ill, isn't scary, but kind of liberating. I find the finite -- things ending, things running out -- much scarier than the infinite.


Tim said...

i just don't want to be infinite, beyond that I love talking about it. Hey grab a bottle of wine and lets talk about what is and isn't infinite!

LindsayDianne said...

Honestly, the vastness of it all does totally terrify me. Completely.

Tim said...

really? it's nothing to be scared of it's mostly because you misrepresent scale. From the right perspective anything that is tangible and measurable can be considered more than everything that is infinite, simply because it has form. However if you want a guide rail consider this, as long as you are within space and time, you are cocooned from any full interaction with the infinite, a bubble bobbing in the ocean safe from the true merging of being infinite.

Frank said...

I think I'm more prone to wonder at the infinite than to despair. As long as I don't have to clean it, anyway. *LOL*

But more seriously, Tim makes a point. We ourselves are finite, and we cannot really go beyond the finite into the infinite except in abstraction. Why be afraid of something that's really so far removed (infinitely removed? *LOL*) as to be irrelevant?