Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Man, The 50s Were Weird

Does anyone remember The Boxcar Children? There was a period in about third grade where I was all about them. But am I imagining things, or was one of the plots about how they owned this run-down ranch and planned to make an egg farm out of it, but then they found the yellow rocks all over the place were actually uranium and they made a fortune selling it to the government? I mean, what?!? Only in the Cold War would a young adult book about the lucrativeness of uranium mining get published.


Tim said...

Haha just reading that was hilarious. I know of the books but never read them. poor little cancer brats now I'm sure

Frank said...

Nah, they lived somewhere else and had an island to take vacations on or something. They just provided yellowcake for Saddam Hussein, probably.

Unknown said...

I remember reading one of them just to see what they were about when I was a kid. They seemed to be cut from the same cloth as Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, but for a younger audience.

Frank said...

Yeah, but I totally don't remember them being mysteries.

Unknown said...

Ok, I have to apologize. For some reason I always confuse The Bobbsey Twins and The Boxcar Children. So that's my own stupidity there, sorry.

Frank said...

No, tamayn, you're right, they were mysteries. The Amazon page even calls them so. It's just that *I* don't remember them being mysteries. Guess they can't have been mini-Poirots or anything memorable.

slyder said...

Careful, there. Don't call the 50s weird. I read a bunch of those in the 50s! At the time it seemed such a wonderful adventure the kids were having. Devoured the Hardy Boys too. I am sure those books made me gay. The way the kids in those stories were such close comrads made me want male friends just like the characters.