Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is the 3000th post on Bourgeois Nerd! Hooray! Who knew I had so much to say about nothing in particular? Thank you to all my readers, old and new.


Anonymous said...

Do you still watch OLTL? I never see you comment on TWOP anymore.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's absolutely great!

Keep them coming...


Frank said...

Anonymous: I don't watch OLTL anymore. After the Great Purge and the Ford Deluge, I just couldn't stand to see it anymore, so I quit. I know it's gotten good again, because I do still keep tabs through Daytime Confidential, but I think my heart still has not fully healed yet, so I'm leery of jumping back in.

Ivan: Thanks!

Damien said...

Mazel Tov BN :)