Sunday, August 08, 2010

Skimpy Sunday

(Via Regularmotion [NSFW]; Mimziz [NSFW]; Overnight to London [NSFW])


slyder said...

Uh, why is #2 trying to fit into a Cub Scout uniform? Cub Scouts as I recall are aged 8 to 11. That young man is post-pubescent by a year or two. He is either a real pervert chickenhawk of the worst kind, or maybe he isn't as big as the tight shirt makes him appear. Another alternative explanation might be that his Cub Scout years were the best years of his life and he is trying to relive them, which is almost as sick as the chickenhawk theory. Please clarify.

arte( said...

@ slyder

Wow, you read a lot into that pic. All I see is a guy with big biceps in a shirt that's too tight for him.

Frank said...

Well, I didn't take the picture or know the model, so I can't really speak for the deep motivations, but it looks like the guy is trying on his old Boy Scout shirt, and, due to his bulgy-ness, is bursting out of it. I think it's meant just to be a silly thing.