Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dewey Deathimal System

Talk about overdue books: library ghosts! This brings back how that Ghostbusters opening with the librarian lady freaked. me. OUT. as a kid.

(Via Maud Newton)


Anonymous said...

Hey BN, how ya been? I've had PC trouble and not been lurking around your website lately. Not that I haven't given up my lust for your online persona.

I am a librarian somewhere in the American Midwest and we have a ghost in my library. A young man in a flannel shirt is sometimes seen walking a bicycle through the stacks. There are funny smells that come and go--old socks sometimes, violets another. The odd thing is that my Confederate vereran great-great grandfather died in the 1930s in a bungalow on the site of the library where I work! After his wife died spent his last years "in town" were nearby family could look out for him. So far no rebel yells have been heard and I haven't felt or seen any apparitions. And this is in a building that was built in the 1960s and rehabed in the 1990s.

Frank said...

Hey, slyder! It's always nice to be lusted after! *hehe*

Creepy about the ghost in your library, though he sounds like a nice, quiet sort. That's cool about your grandfather, though.