Thursday, May 22, 2008

Feeling Blue, Seeing Red

Ever since high school, I've had a crazy wish to dye my hair blue: a really rich, deep, vivid blue. I've never gotten up the energy or gumption to do it, but it's always been one of those things I ponder for a stray minute from time to time.

Apparently, though, I'm not the only gay who's had the same ultramarine urge, so it is not to be, I think, because I've been beaten to the punch by a rogues' gallery of twits. They're not even cool gays, but a designer in the grips of a major midlife crisis, a waaaaaay too desperate to be famous blogger (I read his site and don't revile him like others do, but the smell of desperation wafting from him is kinda gross), and an utterly bland and boring primetime star, plus an apparently straight indie rocker douchebag. Thanks for ruining my dreams of magnificent cerulean coiffure, assholes!


Dr. Sparky said...

You could rock it so much harder!

Tim said...

my little brother went blue, it was better received than the red that washed out pink.
I think you'd be great at blue, wait till you find out how much it's going to cost to have it done right though : )

Anonymous said...

Don't do it, Frank. Blue was my first choice but it really doesn't look good against pale caucasian skin. Red and purple were both more successful. The only guys I've ever seen look really good with blue hair were either Indian or Asian. Of course, if done well stripes can look really good.....

GayProf said...

I suggest blue highlights. It's subtle and doesn't suggest you are desperate for attention.

Frank said...

Who knew this would gather the most comments I've had in months! LOVES IT!

Dr. Sparky: Well, that goes without saying, of course. Those bitches ain't got nothing on THIS bitch!

Tim: Professional application would definitely be essential. I don't really want to think about how badly I'd screw it up/stain the bathroom.

Gunn: The kind of blue I'm thinking of (really dark, really rich, almost black in some lights) might still work. And, anyway, why must you crush my dreams?

As for stripes... no. Just no.

Gayprof: I have an aversion to highlights. Stick to a color, I say. Pick a side; we're at war!

Tim said...

i think gayprof might have more of a point than you realize, the prime color is only going to last a few days, and just doing the tips will mean that only parts of your hair will have to be treated. If you go full color the first time you'll have to wait for all of it to grow out or be cut off. Plus you don't know how the color will look so it's best to start small. Specially since this is going to cost about 125$. But I think you should do it!