Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Every day one the way to and from work, I pass a field where a gaggle of geese, including the cute couple I mentioned previously, hang out. A few days ago, however, tragedy struck: one of the geese was dead in the middle of the road, obviously killed by an errant driver. Ever since, I've seen a lone goose pecking at the ground occasionally looking up when my car goes by. Is it the dead goose's mate, waiting, expecting its mate to return? Is it lonely? Does it have a clutch of eggs it has to try and incubate and raise on its own?

I know I'm way anthropomorphizing. And, really, I have no way of knowing whether this goose is the mate of the one killed on the road, and not just a random singleton, part of pair that just enjoys having their own space, or a parent taking a snack break while the other sits on the eggs a while, but my heart can't help but go out to the lone goose.

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