Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Fling

Spring has sprung and, to add another cliche to this sentence, a young (wo)man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. This is certainly true of our avian friends. On my way to work this morning, I saw a pair of Canada geese looking very cozy, one eating while the other was on the look-out. They were obviously a couple and soon would be settling down over a clutch of little eggs, and then enjoy the splish-splash of little webbed feet. A little farther down the road, I saw two crows on what struck me as a house-hunting trip. I could only imagine one of them saying to the other, "We're so lucky we're crows, honey! No sub-prime mortgage to worry about! Caw!" And then at work, there were a pair of doves cooing sweet-nothings to one another. All the avian loving put a big smile on my face as I started my day.

1 comment:

Tim said...

so where is your spring fling? Surely you can't be the only gay in your office!