Saturday, March 03, 2007


You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.

'How will you die?' at

(Via Pharyngula)


Anonymous said...

Interesting to find myself deep into 'Unlikely Illness' territory. Does this rule out cancer, heart disease and bird flu, then?
Worse things happen at sea.

Anonymous said...

Score! I'm going to die from a heart attack during sex. Logically, this means that if I remain a virgin forever, I'll also live forever. Hm. Is life worth living minus sex?

Frank said...

Gunn: Bird flu is still fairly unlikely at this stage, so you can safely add that to the "unlikely illness" list.

Cindy: Well, speaking as a woefully undersexed person, I'll say... no, not really! *LOL*