Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy Birthday...

To Me!!!

Twenty-four years I've graced the world with my presence. To mark this joyous occasion, money, bookstore gift certificates, porn, a good job, and/or a hot stud are all welcome! (In lieu of that, you fuckin' cheapskates, I'll take simple birthday well-wishes. Grudgingly.)

Now, let the one-year-early quarter-life crisis, in which I agonize over my life choices, delcare myself a total failure, and wallow in existential angst, commence!


Kathryn Warner said...

Happy Birthday!!

Vikram Johri said...

Many Happy Returns!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... a birthday gift for someone I'm unlikely to ever meet? Well, maybe I'll forward you some birthday porn later.

Anyway, happy birthday.

GayProf said...

Now, let the one-year-early quarter-life crisis, in which I agonize over my life choices, delcare myself a total failure, and wallow in existential angst, commence!

Commence? At your age, that was already a daily part of living for me.

Happy Birthday! I am seem to be surrounded by Libras these days.

GayProf said...

Oooh -- and GayProf stumbles with a typo.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I hope you at least ate something tasty and unhealthy.

Bigg said...

Happy (belated) Birthday! Many happy returns to one of my favorite bloggers!

Anonymous said...

What I meant to say was: 'hmm ... birthday gift for someone I've never met when I completely forget the birthdays of childhood friends?'
And did you know that today is also Dhan Teras, the first day of the Hindu festival Diwali? It is a time to perform the Lakshmi puja - prayers to the goddess Lakshmi. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune and light.
In short there are going to be a lot of people celebrating out there. And hopefully it might mean that there's a lot of good fortune and wealth in store for you.

Frank said...

Thank you ALL for your birthday wishes! It really does mean a lot to me. (And, despite my tongue-in-cheek birthday wish list, really all I wanted.)

Gunn: Childhood friends, shmildhood friends! Blog friends are MUCH more important! *LOL* Oh, and, hopefully Lakshmi will bless me this year. I could do with some wealth and prosperity.

GayProf: What can I say? I simply don't have your "gravitas." I am a mere moon orbiting your Jovian gravitational well!

Chad: Oh, don't worry, much unhealthy food has been eaten.

Bigg: No belateds necessary; today IS my birthday. And you make me blush with "one of my favorite bloggers."

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday!

Your female reader

looking_down said...

Way ahead of you mate.

Happy Birthday!