Sunday, June 19, 2005


You know those GM commercials with the kids of various ages talking about near-crashes and how great OnStar is and stuff? I hate those! They're so emotionally manipulative! They're basically saying, "Get a GM car or YOUR CHILDREN WILL DIE!" I mean, I know emotional appeals are one of the pillars upon which advertising is based, but this campaign is just so blatant and over-the-top. Makes me want to buy a Toyota just to spite them, despite the fact that I come from a "only buy American cars" family that usually goes for GM models. It's like with those "Truth" commercials; despite the fact that I've never smoke and and never will, those stupid ads make me just want to go to "Truth" headquarters and start lighting up! "Take that, Truth people!!! Your anti-smoking campaign made me start smoking! How 'bout them irony-filled apples, bitches?!?"

1 comment:

CB said...

Time for your medication, dear.

Ah, I love cranky, insane Frank.

The Truth commercials make me want to smoke, too. But it's those "pot funds terrorism" commercials that make me want to start smoking joints and funding my own little terrist group.

Ah, pathos.