Monday, April 02, 2007

Answer To A Burning Question

During my recent drive for questions, Note asked:

Even though you have a bad track record with the sex (thus far), what kind of fantasy kiss makes your knees melt?

What makes a good kiss? Truthfully, I just don't know! I haven't done a lot of kissing in my life. Thus far, I haven't been much impressed. Indeed, I've found that I have a bit of sexual ADD: I get bored very quickly with any sexual act, from kissing to oral to whatever. I'm kinda sure (and hoping) it's just due to the lackluster sexing I've gotten so far, though.

Anyway, the best kiss I ever had was a rather unexpected one at my Ye Olde Friendlye Neighborhoode Pornne Shoppe. There was an older gentleman who worked there who took a bit of a shine to me. So one time, while browsing, he came from behind the counter and, well, started kissing and fondling me. I was a bit taken aback, and, frankly, I didn't find him terribly attractive, but I thought: "Eh, what the heck!" To my surprise he was a great kisser! He was firm, but gentle, moist, but not slobbering.

So I guess my dream kiss would have those characteristics, connected to a smart, funny, witty man, probably older and woofy and willing to sweep me off my feet to a life of glamour and happiness. (Hey, he said fantasy kiss, remember!)

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