Monday, August 07, 2006

March Of The Penguins

To honor the sixtieth birthday of Penguin Classics, Penguin has picked the 100 best books. Of these, The Times of London has picked the perfect (?) Penguins. Keep your eye out for missing ones, though.

In other Penguin news, they're blogging now.

(Via Bookslut; Books, Inq.)


Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble reconciling this post with the last. Any one who links to the Penguin list is inherently attractive.

Of course, those of us that dream about owning the Penguin 60th Anniversary collection (if not for that damn shipping!) or other literary tomes are, I think, by nature less likely to find ourselves at clubs or other places that remove the moniker of shy. After all, when else can we be digesting the stacks of books that we've bought with the hope of one day reading?

Frank said...

You make a good point, uilifer: we bookworms aren't really the types that frequent the local hook-up bar or singles club. Too busy reading and all that.

I, too, dream of owning the big Penguin collection. I wouldn't even read half of it, I don't think, but just to own it would be enough!

Anonymous said...

I understand, too, the feeling of missing something because I sometimes prefer books to a night of bumping and grinding. A lack of a relationship becomes irksome at least once in a while. When one becomes more comfortable than average with curling up with a book, even that slight glance up becomes confusing, and it's much easier to crush from a distance. I missed the lesson on the art of flirting, on when a bump is just a bump, and when a look is more than a glance. Of course, I'm still young as well, and I wouldn't change things and whose to say they won't change in the future; that won't stop me from fantasizing that it should be another way. And of course, meaningless sex every once in a while probably would ease the tension that makes unprompted soliloquys out of blog comments.

Frank said...

Are you sure we're not twins, uilifer? *hehehe*