Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Trio of Bagatelles

This is both too f'n cute and almost too f'n gay.

Zack Parsons of Something Awful gives what is, more or less, my own position on pornography in the face of those who disapprove of it.

People who think porn will turn you into a ravening sexual predator are in denial about the fact that 95% of men have watched pornography. I would go so far as to say that pornography is a healthy part of sexual development for most men. It may not present the most accurate depiction of the women [or men] they will encounter in the real world, but finding a Penthouse [or Inches] out in the woods has provided many an epiphany for hormone crazed pubescent boys wondering what all those strange feelings were.

There’s bad porn, there’s bad people involved in porn, and bad people sometimes watch porn. I don’t think any of these things equate to porn being evil. If they did then we’d get rid of TV because of “Average Joe” and that fat people weight loss show on VH1 or get rid of music because some serial killer liked Britney Spears.

I'm with Gawker on this "Carnival of New Jersey Bloggers" thing. As the Gawker editors say, "We’ve [...] never thought of it as a particularly coherent state: the top part thinks of itself as adjunct New Yorkers, the bottom part as adjunct Philadelphians, and neither wants to have anything to do with the folks in the middle."

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