Thursday, July 14, 2005

Daily Harry Potter Post: Crazy Haters and Crazy Lovers, Together At Last!

As I blogged about earlier in the week, some people hate Harry Potter. Some, though, want it to see it win literary prizes. If we're not careful, it's gonnna get all East Coast/West Coast by the time the next one comes out!

(Via Bookninja)

P.S. I realize that for someone who says he's not a freaky Harry Potter fan, I sure blog about it a lot. True. But there just seem to be so many weird stories and bloggable incidents connected to it that I can't resist! Plus, with the buzz ahead of Saturday's release of the next installment so loud a bee's nest sounds like a Zen garden by comparison, everyone else seems to be talking about it. Why not me? I'm not above peer pressure.

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