Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Links

Just added a few new links (see the sidebar to the left).

Under Links I added World Wide Words and Astronomy Picture of the Day, two sites I've been visiting for quite some time, but, for some reason, just didn't put up here.

Under Blogs I added Learning Curves and second order approximations. I just found these a few days ago. They're both professor blog (profblogs, anyone?). The former is written by a math professor in the South (she's pseudonymous and vague about the particulars of where she is, but it seems to be the Carolinas somewhere) who's really into knitting, home repair, and "noethrian rings." I can't understand most of her math or knitting talk, but she's a very funny and compelling writer. Second order approximations is the blog of a physicist. I can't tell you too much about him, yet, because I've only just started in on the archives, but he's also funny and interesting. He uses ellipses a bit too much, but for one of those scientist fellows, he writes well.

UPDATE: I've gotten through a lot of second order approximations and the ellipses have faded away quite a bit. He's even funnier than I'd originally thought, too! Gotta love the biting sarcasm. Oh, and he actually got a grant to write a play, so that explains the writing skills. (Haven't gotten to the part where we see how the play turns out, though.)


Anonymous said...

thanks for the link and the complimentary note. if you finish the whole archives, i'll give you the name of my old journal at Open Diary... that'll give you another 3 ellipsis-filled years worth to read!!

Frank said...

Thanks for stopping by, Dr. Dave! I did indeed get through the archives earlier this evening. I hope you didn't take the ellipsis comment as an insult; none was intended. I really like your blog. As I said, you're very funny. I also admire you for your honesty, about your wife, your kids, your job, yourself. I'd love to find your wife's blog, though, just to see the other side, but I understand the need for security. *hehe*