Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Memes and Phantom Book Limbs

Scott McLemee, whose column Intellectual Affairs I always read with interest due to its easy erudition and humor, writes two things of interest today.

One is a lovely quip about those damn meme thingies: they "appeal to bloggers because [they have] “me” in it, twice." The second is a marvelous description of how inveterate bookworm, such as myself, feel upon selling or giving away a large number of books.

Such a purge feels good, once the initial hesitation is overcome. There is even a kind of giddiness, as the herd begins to thin. But afterwards, I always have pangs of regret. When you need it, a missing title is like a phantom limb. There’s a maddening and persistent itch you can no longer scratch.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

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