Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Oh My God!!!!

I've been linked to by the respectable and highly-acclaimed Bookninja for yesterday's gay penguin post! I feel like I've finally arrived in the blogosphere. Thanks, George!!!

Sorry, Cindy and Vince, but, now that I'm on the threshold of the big time, I have to dump your asses. Nothing personal, of course; you're simply no longer of use to me as I claw my way up the social order of the blogosphere! (I kid, I kid, I kid, guys! Or do I???? *dun dun DUN*)


CB said...

Hey man, three of my favorite authors have QUOTED me on their blogs. I left you behind a long, long time ago. lol :-P j\k (or do I??? dundunduuunnnn!)

GM said...

I just like the wallpaper. Dun dun dunnnnnnn! (Actually, my descending sound effect is usually the sad "wa wa waaa...." of the slapstick straightman with a pie in his face.)

CB said...
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CB said...

