Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What's sad is that I'd kill for this guy's midsection. *sigh*


slyder said...

Frank, Frank, can we talk? I don't want to sound harsh because you are a great guy and I love your blog. Quit yer complainin' and go for those abs. Unless you have a rare muscle disease, like me, you can have a good body with great abs! I'd give anything to have any of the bodies I see every day that are going to waste by people who could look great or even good, but won't make the effort and take the time. I want to shout at those people "If you are not going to use that body, I'll trade you". But it takes discipline and changing habits. Start easy by making changes in your diet. Read up on exercising at home and how to properly exercise. Get a trainer to get you started. Once you start to see improvement you will get more motivated. Start walking and noticing your surroundings. You will start feeling better and more relaxed. Don't quit being a nerd, but start reading the sky and phases of the moon, learn the names of trees, and look up the origin of the names of the streets you walk. Talk to people. Above all, get comfortable with you! Then join a gym, even if you feel a bit intimidated. You gotta leave your comfort zone. Like Scott over at BIE helped you with your blog, ask the big boys at the gym questions about how they work out that show you have been working out a bit and learning how. They will help you unless they are total jerks. And keep at it. Show the big boys and yourself that you have the right stuff. Hit the showers with them too! That gets you over body issues. Ya, the guys are checking you out, but know you are changing what you can and can handle what you can't (I have faith in ya, Frank!) You do not have to live at the gym, just make good use of your time and be disciplined in your workout.

You may never have a perfect body as shown in airbrushed pictures. You may not have the right genes for that and 0% fat is nearly impossible to achieve. While I still could I did those things. But progressive muscle disease is a bummer. The gym doesn't make sense for me any more, but I still workout to stay as strong as I can and I get out often in my wheelchair. I still have good friends, gay and straight, I met in the gym and they are my strongest supporters and there for me!

arte( said...

Excellent comment, slyder.

Frank said...

Wow, slyder, you make me feel very, very ashamed of myself. I actually have been working out a little lately. I got a mini-elliptical and have been doing a half-hour four days a week, and then using exercise bands the other days. I must say, it's doing wonders for my lower body; my ass has never looked better! It's the "change your diet" part that really trips me up, and I have yet to find the willpower to change it. That's the key to flatter stomachs, I know. And I'll get to an actual gym... someday.

Thank you for your kind, but firm, suggestions. You'd make a good motivational speaker!

slyder said...

Thank you, Frank. I was afraid I might have offended you. I do climb onto a soapbox sometimes. If you can see changes already from your workouts, you are heading in the right direction. Diet is a rough one. Everybody I know has trouble with diet. Just don't beat your self up if you fail once in a while. We have a lot to temptations in front of us all the time!

One more observation: Guys I know who are 60 and in shape got that way in their 20s and stayed in shape.