Friday, August 14, 2009

Sidebar Updates

First, we welcome back Bread and Circuses for all of our Roman history and archaeology needs.

And then we welcome Urban Pug, which is something like a candy store to a diabetic if you're a cute addict and pug admirer (I miss my Dusty!) like me. But who can resist those squishy faces?!? Squeeeeeeee!

Last but totally not least is Movieline, the best Hollywood website around, where I've become something of a star commenter (in my own mind).

1 comment:

dr. dave said...

Re: Crackpots -

My comment though, was directed towards the particular technique used by physics crackpots (of which there are LOTS). What they do is to assail QM or GR on some conceptual ground, and if you try to explain to them how the equations work or how they are confirmed by experience, they accuse physics of being a priestood/cult that uses mathematics as a weapon to deny ordinary people admittance. Almost every physics crackpot will use some version of that line somewhere.