Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's All Just A Dream

Do you ever feel like you're not real? I'm not talking about the kind of disorientation where you wake up and it takes your brain a few seconds to boot and you have no idea where the hell you are. It's more like you're a character from a really vivid dream. I often get these bizarre episodes where I just feel disassociated from reality. I know where I am and who I am, but I don't feel it. I have my memories, yet I feel detached from them. (And what is identity without memory?) The most bizarre part is that it isn't really unpleasant; it doesn't send me into a panic or a crisis or anything. It's weird as hell, but not traumatic. It doesn't last more than a second or two, anyway. It is a rather interesting phenomenon, though.

There is a notion that in a multiverse, a highly-enough advanced civilization could develop the inclination and the computing power to created multiple, even infinite, universe "simulations," even ones with intelligent life. This life could even be unaware of its own simulated nature, perhaps even get to a point where it starts simulating universe and down and down into the rabbit hole. In fact, the chance of being in a simulated universe is greater than being in a "real" universe. (If this sounds familiar, it is sort of where The Matrix all came from.) Perhaps these feelings of unreality are glitches in the simulation.

Then there's a Gnostic notion that the universe is just a fitful dream of the sleeping God. Maybe I'm God half-waking for a moment!


Tim said...

well the only way to test these theories is to be able to observe the universe and search for for glitches that might indicate a program vs a natural world

Frank said...

Easy! *LOL* Actually, though, I've think I've read people argue the same point and offer suggestions. I forget the specifics, however.

Anonymous said...

wow, that is something I have never experienced, but sounds cool. I'll have to try that someday.


Tim said...

i have often fantasied about trying to open a seam in time and space and observe the universe outside it, but I don't think an explosion of that size should be done on your home planet...

RG11389 said...

The description of how you feel is how I feel continuously. The effects have come on gradually and only now have I taken the time to do some research about it. Everything I read, the person experiencing the symptoms always associates it with panic, but for me it's like you said: "the most bizarre part is that it isn't really unpleasant." I actually feel almost enlightened to be able to view my life in such a way where everything is so surreal, because when you think of existence, everything is pretty surreal. The saddening part of it though is how I feel disassociated from my memories of my youth.

Frank said...

Thank you for writing, RG. I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who feels this way.