Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Craziest Fucking Thing I've Ever Heard

One word: batshit.


slyder said...

Is this guy nuts? Predation is what keeps the biological world in balance. Certain creatures prey on humans--some big like tigers, crocodiles, and monitor lizards--and some very small like viruses and bacteria. I am a predator of many plants and a few animals. We cannot avoid inhaling and ultimately digesting a certain amount of biomass in the air!

In a park near me in a suburban area there are 200 deer per square miles. Opposition to killing them is strong, but it is not cost effective to transport them elsewhere. And the neighbors opposed the introduction of natural predators like wolves and pumas. They spread ticks to pets and humans. I see no choice but to kill them. We sometimes see deer now miles from open country in suburbia and even more urbanized areas.

And almost every creature is a predator and prey. What creatures are innocent and which are guilty?

The idea is stupid on its face!

Frank said...

I couldn't agree with you more, slyder. Frankly, though, I think the notion that we should, that we have a DUTY to, change thousands of species, the entire ecology of the planet, for our notions of "suffering" and the felicific calculus an amount of hubris breathtaking in its breadth and madness. We do quite enough harm to the world and our fellow creatures as it is; this would be even worse, no matter how "nice" it would be.