Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Suggestion For Barack Obama

After shopping in a bookstore yesterday where a gaggle of mostly adolescent girls gathered to shriek at a preview of the new Twilight movie, I would suggest to Barack Obama that if he wants to defeat al-Qaeda and the Taliban, he should get a few thousand of these young women, tell them that Osama bin Laden thinks Edward is totes not hot, and set them loose in Afghanistan. The mad hordes would descend upon the caves of Tora Bora and stain the Hindu Kush red with the blood of "infidels," their high-pitched screams echoing throughout Central Asia and sending anyone with even a hint of sympathy to Islamic terrorism cowering under their beds in fear.


Anonymous said...

Epic LoL.

Twilight annoys the crap out of me. I dread the day when my niece reads the series and we have to explain to her the difference between Edward Cullen and real, actual boys who are not "like, OMG, SO PERFECT. OMG." Gag me. :D


Frank said...

The more I learn about the books, the more aghast I am at their depiction of gender relations. This is one instance where I HOPE literature doesn't have any larger effects.

Anonymous said...

The vampires SPARKLE in the sunlight, Frank. They mother fucking sparkle.

Calling the Twilight Saga literature is really stretching the term. :D

With the movie coming out this week I fear we're doomed to suffer Twilight fangirls for years to come.