Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Feed Me!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever noticed this, but I've found that the busier I am, the less hungry I get. When I'm at work, and it's a day when I have little or nothing to do, I snack a lot and feel famished by the end of the day. On days when I have stuff to do, however, I seem to forget to snack so much and don't feel as hungry. I guess I'm just a boredom-eater, not a stress-eater.


GeekWithBigDreams said...

Perhaps u don't eat when u are working precisely because food is a way to control things. and control makes for more focus and better work.

Frank said...

Interesting point, Antinormative. I suspect there's some truth to that.

GeekWithBigDreams said...

I also believe that there is a continuum between food, pampering yourself, and sex. Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality has inspired me. It just seems to make a lot of sense.