Monday, August 15, 2005

Fowl Sure Are Queer

First, gay penguins. Now, lesbian swans. What is it with birds and the same-sex lovin'???

Anyway, Emma's response is the correct one: if they're happy, who cares? And I have no sympathy with the parks spokeswoman's "But it'll ruin the fairy tale!" argument. Fairy tale romance notions are one of the reasons relationships are so screwed up nowadays. And Romeo and Juliet are two very lousy role models. That play has always driven me up a wall; what's so romantic about suicide?!?!?

All I have to say is that at least the gay penguins now have someone to call when the plumbing at the vacation rock goes wonky! (Yes, a cheap joke utilizing at least two homosexual stereotypes. I don't care!)

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