Saturday, July 09, 2005

Another Reason I Never Played Sports

A Staten Island coach spanks his players for not playing well. That, in a nutshell, is the plot to about five hundred gay porn movies. Not quite as hot in real life, though, when the coach is unattractive. And, of course, when it's done to unwilling underaged boys.

(Via Gawker)


Jake said...

You must have been really excited posting the story since I noticed 'unattracitve'.

That's the first time I've seen a typo in your blog. LOL

Frank said...

Ack! Thank you, Jake, for pointing that out. I'm really obsessive about editing and proofreading and pride myself on the lack of mistakes in my blog. It will be corrected forthwith!

Jake said...

Goodness, I love your anal-like tendencies! LOL