Sunday, May 15, 2005

Evil Nerds

I'm a very proud nerd. However, I'm not a citizen of the Video Game Commandery of the Great Empire of Nerddom & Upper Geekitude. (We do not speak of Lower Geekitude. What losers!) I have nothing against the games and their players, I just never got into them. Lack of hand/eye coordination, I think. Anyway, this is what gives all nerds of all persuasions their bad reputations. (And, yes, I know it's satirical, but I know it's not far off.)

(Via Something Awful, which I recommend because it has lots of funny stuff to read.)

1 comment:

CB said...

I have nothing against the games and their players, I just never got into them.

I mock you and your comma splice! Ah-hahahahaha! ;) is the best. The funniest part of that clip is the fact that the creators were probably reading posts verbatim from a message board.

I play PS2 and GameCube. I know there's a new Cube coming out, but I haven't heard anything about a PS3. I guess I'm not a hardcore gamer. Tear.