Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"Men Are From Mars, Women Are..." Oh, Fuck It!

"[T]hey present me with this awful, appalling world of Bitchy Women and Immature Men and How They'll Never Understand One Another, and then they ask me to find it funny" is pretty much the perfect encapsulation of why most sitcoms, romcoms, and "funny" SuperBowl commercials are of the Devil. Really, though, I more and more wonder just why anyone can watch TV at all and not be insulted just on principle, male or female. It's gone beyond misogyny or misandry (though, really, let's be serious: outside of a few radical feminists from the 1970s, there has never and will never be such a thing as misandry in our culture) into cartoon misanthropy, and not of the cute, curmudgeonly kind that I ascribe to.

We're in such a weird place in terms of gender relations, where men are, in the face of rising female success and the breakdown of old gender roles, retreating, or being told they should retreat, into infantile paralysis or whiny Neanderthalism. I mean, can you see the "Real Men" of yesteryear, like John Wayne or Cary Grant or Clark Gable talking about "mancaves" or playing man-children? Meanwhile, women are more successful than ever, but are being told they're all castrating bitches keeping the poor menz down, when they're not doing Girls Gone Wild and taking just any fuckhead because they might be a spinster otherwise. I find the whole "men and women can never and will never understand one another" thing the biggest lie ever perpetuated. If everyone would just get their heads out of their asses for a few seconds, they'd realize we're all pretty much the same.

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