Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Restar... Rester... Fuck It, One Of Those Place Where You Get Food In Exchange For Money

Everyone seems to have at least one or two words that they just for the life of them can't spell. For me, "restaurant" is that word. I always try to write "resteraunt" or "restaraunt." That damned first "u"!!! Another one is "accommodate." I always write "accomodate" or something like that.

All I can say is thank Buddha for Firefox's built-in spellchecker! And I'm a good speller, too! Honest!


Tim said...

yeah that' one of my words i struggle with, that and museum (which i mispelled just now)

Jim M said...

I think it's a pronunciation thing. Here in Canada, the French influence (and the fact it's spelled the same) lead most of us to say "res-toh-rawnt" (and in Québec they have the common terms resto and resto-bar - for a restaurant with/without bar service.

My limited experience with Americans makes be believe they say "rest-ah-rawnt" and I wouldn't be surprised if your instinctive spelling becomes an official alternative at some point.