Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Question

Am I the only blogger/blog read who doesn't use an RSS? And not only doesn't use one, and does not wish to use one, but really has little idea how I would even go about using one? Is this another symptom of incipient Old Curmudgeon Anti-Technology Syndrome, along with an abhorrence of IMing, negative interest in texting, and little facility with Facebook beyond checking up on random high school classmates?


K-A said...

No, I placed an RSS feed on my blog because I could, but I really don't know what it is.

As for Facebook, my friends made me do it because they are too lazy to read my blog or they tell me they forget I have a blog.

Sarah said...

People hate success, so if you convince them to read your blog they will do so begrudgingly in fear of something good being in their vicinity. Also, facebook, IMing are fun if you really have nothing else to do, or are procrastinating some sort of work. Finding people worth talking to who don't also live in the real world with you, is often challenging and not worth the time, maybe therein lies the abstinence. Facebook is good for forgotten homework, arranging a meeting/party.