Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Am I really a sissy, prissy freak because I don't like to spit? Other guys seem to think hocking phlegm and/or saliva whenever the mood strikes is perfectly acceptable, whereas I think it's disgusting. Just swallow your damn spit, y'all!


DC said...

It is so not acceptable to spit or eject mucus, spit or food in public. I ride the subway and I cannot believe just how many do that onto the tracks. To say gross would be the understatement of the year.

Anonymous said...

The urge to make a stupid spit/swallow joke right now is so intense my eyes are watering.

In other news, I love you! :-P

Anonymous said...


It's still bad manners to spit. Gentlemen always swallow ;^)

Bad jokes aside (I'm a weaker man than commenter cb) it really is gross. But almost nobody knows how to behave these days, so count yourself amongst the few, the proud, the well mannered.

Frank said...

Cindy, Hubbard: I was tempted to make a spit/swallow joke, but I simply have too much class and dignity to stoop to such low humor! *LOL*