Friday, December 14, 2007

Fashion Regret

The job I have now is the first where I've had to dress up every day. I have several pants in black and shade of khaki, some shirts, brown and black socks and shoes, and I mix and match. In general, I think I pull it together just fine, and occasionally I think I look damn good, but some days... Have you ever put an outfit together in the morning that you think will look fine, but later in the day decide that it was kind of a mistake? Well, today's outfit, tan slacks with a navy collared shirt, brown shoes, and navy socks, was one of those days. I thought the navy socks would go with the navy shirt, and navy with the tan and brown. I was wrong. I don't think I looked disgusting or anything, but it was definitely a fashion miss. I'm such a bad Gay.


DC said...

Used to feel that way, so I decided to wear all black all the time, that way I don't have to worry about how I'd look by end of the day or what to wear every morning.

The place where I work now has a casual dress code so anything goes but I still wear black or dark colors most of the time because I'm used to it.

People tell me I should wear more color and patterns but that's just not me.

Tim said...

maybe you need a girlfriend to dress you?

Anonymous said...

You're young. Chalk it up to a learning experience. Anybody who'll judge you for such stuff is clearly a wanker who isn't worth your time.

Frank said...

Thanks for the feedback, guys! Gunn, I don't know if anyone even noticed, and like I said it wasn't AWFUL, it just didn't work the way I thought it would.