Before I get to the reason for this post, I have to ask: why are Australians all nuts? I mean, I know guys like the Crocodile Hunter (RIP) are considered kinda odd even in their homeland, but Australians in general just seem to be a bit... off. They all seem to delight in running, jumping, climbing, diving, surfing, sky-diving, and any other crazy pastime, the more dangerous the better. I have a theory that it has to do with having such a small population on such a vast continent filled with some of the most venomous animals in the world. Something along the lines of, "Hey, let's get out there and jump off Ayers Rock with no parachute today, for tomorrow we may die from the bite of a ten centimeter snake with venom that boils away all your internal organs!"
Anyway, that opening tangent involving gross generalizations of a nation's people aside, I'll get to the "point": Not only has Australia given the world hot, rugged mens with a hot accent, they've now given us hot rugged mens with a hot accent and the perfect basket. Thanks, Australia!
I'm not sure I believe you.
I think I need to see many, many more examples of hot Australian manhood. And maybe then I'll think about it.
Sounds like a plan to me, Gunn. Can't fault you for your empiricist tendencies. *LOL*
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