Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm Sure He'd Have Hated You, Too, Ms. Hughes

Writer/grumpypants Kathryn Hughes does not like "compulsive wits," such as Oscar Wilde. She bases this on a scribble in an autograph book that recently came on the market. When you reduce Wilde to a collection of disconnecting aphorisms and bon mots in Bartlett’s or whatever, I’m sure he IS rather tiring. I’m also sure that in real life he was somewhat more amusing. And a lot of the quotes you hear bandied about from him were from his writings, so of course he polished them up and "practised delivering them in the mirror before he went out"! It's called editing.

All in all, she seems to bear a grudge against one particular "wit" that's gotten on her bad side, not Oscar Wilde or anyone she mentions in the article. So remind me never to attend a party thrown by Ms. Hughes; it'd be dreadfully dull, by the sounds of it.

(Via Bookninja)

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