Friday, July 21, 2006

Author Writes Novel About Person Totally Unlike Her!

A mother wins an online writing contest with a gay-themed novel! Shock! Horror! (Sarcasm!)

I mean, I know copyeditors want to attract attention to an article by giving it a catchy title, but in this case it just makes it sound like it's totally beyond the realm of imagination that a mother would write a novel about a gay teenaged boy. It is fiction, you know. And just because she wrote a "gay" novel doesn't mean she's like unfit or something, which I know they probably weren't trying to imply, but which I think is insinuated by the wording. Maybe it's just me, though...

Anyway, and on a totally superficial note, I love the main character's name: Thorn MacDonnell. Very butch, in a Braveheart kind of way.

(Via Bookninja)

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