Friday, June 09, 2006

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire

So I've been slogging through The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon. Excellent, if exhausting, read. It goes on forever (and I'm reading an abridged edition)! After about three weeks, I'm still not even half through it. Frankly, it has sort of kicked my ass. Usually, I'm a very fast reader, but you can't go that fast with Gibbon; you have to take it in easily digested bites. I do, at least.

The fact that I'm not finished doesn't mean I can't comment on it, though. Gibbon's prejudices, including classism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, Orientalism, anti-clericalism, anti-Paganism, and alternating anti-Christianity/Christian triumphalism, are blatant. His scholarship and accuracy have been totally superceded by modern research in many areas. It is his prose, however, that makes this a great work. It is an absolute pleasure, arch and witty and erudite. I highly recommend it.

On an odd, but totally in-character for me, note, the paper of the edition I have is wonderful: smooth and silky, with a pleasing odor. (I know, I'm a freak; I totally sniff paper!)


monstrousbabycows said...

If you're looking for another good slog, try Xueqin's Story of the Stone. The five volume novel comes in at 2500 pages, and is actually rather enjoyable; the narrative is somewhat modern, but the plotting does come across more as something by George Eliot, on a larger scale.

No good paper sniffing to be had here, however. It's relatively ignored so you won't find a variety of editions, but Penguin's is good.

Gibbons sits on my shelf unread. Next time its too-crisp binding mocks me, I can call it a misogynist to assuage my guilt.

Frank said...

I'll have to remember Story of the Stone, uibristol.

You won't find any criticism from me for not reading a book you "should" read. There are many, many gaps in my literary reading! You shouldn't dismiss Gibbon just because he's misogynistic, though. If that's a dealbreaker, than most of Western literature is off-limits!

monstrousbabycows said...

I have no concern about trying to get through a list of 'should' reads, it's impossible and makes reading a chore. I get through enough on my own; it has to do with having to have at least five books going at once, I think.

Have you discovered It's wonderful in some ways. Wonderful for us committed bibliophiles.

Frank said...

Yes, I know about Unfortunately, it's utility for me in cataloging my library is limited because it doesn't print in Firefox.