Sunday, May 07, 2006

Still More Cartoon Nostalgia

Three more of my favorite cartoons.

The Herculoids. Basically, it was a bunch of alien creatures with cool powers and a family of three space barbarians (or whatever the hell they were) versus whatever space creature came along. There was a dragon with some sort of laser coming out of his tail and eyes, a rock gorilla, a sort of rhino/tricerotops hybrid who shot missiles out of his horn, and, my favorites, a pair of jelly things who could change shape.

Johnny Quest. Seriously, The. Gayest. Cartoon. Ever! I mean, come on, Hanna-Barbera! Two single men (one named "Race"), an adopted Indian houseboy, and a sassy little dog? Do I have to show you the nude pictures of Race and Dr. Quest?

The Banana Splits. Live-action, but it had a bunch of cartoons on it, of which my favorite was The Arabian Knights. I thought Prince Turhan, the hero, was cute. The guy who turned into animals was hot, too. The show also had "Danger Island," a laughably absurd Gilligan's Island meets Indian Jones meets incompetent film-making mini-show. The racism of the way they depicted the "natives" would knock your socks off.


Anonymous said...

Let's see, I remember ...

The Adventures of Raggedy Anne and Andy
Care Bears
My Little Ponies
Rainbow Bright
Strawberry Shortcake
The Ewoks (The All New Ewoks?)
Pound Puppies
Beetlejuice (Loved that fucking cartoon)
Berenstein Bears
Darkwing Duck
Gummie Bears/Winnie The Pooh Hour
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Fraggle Rock
Ghost Busters
G.I. Joe

Jesus, with all those cartoons how did I ever manage to find the time to make mud pies and bury my Barbie Dolls "alive"?

We didn't have cable, so everything I watched was network TV, before school and on the weekends.

GayProf said...

We used to refer to Johnny Quest as Johnny Pest because he was just too precocious for our tastes. And I hated his little dog too!

The other day, I went to my local Big-Box-Electronics Store and saw that Thundercats can be obtained on DVD. I’m not sure if you were aware of this fact.

Frank said...

Oh God, Cindy, you just reminded me of like ten old cartoons I forgot about that I could write about! Fortunately for everyone, I just have one more Cartoon Nostalgia post before I retire the series, at least for the time being.

Yeah, I know Thundercats is on DVD, gayprof. I'm not really enough of a fan (not to mention too poor) to go get them, though. Maybe someday.

Bigg said...

DO you have naked pictures of Dr. Quest and Race Bannon? 'Cause I would pay money to see those...

Frank said...

Oh, Bigg, I'm SURE that somewhere out there in the dark recesses of the Internet, there's fanart of some kind that shows Race and Dr. Quest gettin' it on. I'll let you look that up, though. *hehehehehehe*

Bigg said...

Shall I let you know if I find anything?

Frank said...

Sure, Bigg. I must admit, though, that late last night curiosity overtook me and I did a little searching. Didn't find anything, though, image-wise. I'm far from the only one who noticed the gay subtext between Dr. Quest and Race, however.

Bigg said...

Yeah, I tumbled to the fact that they were a "couple" around 1974. But did you ever get the feeling that Alexandra in Josie and the Pussycats was a lipstick lesbian?

Frank said...

Bigg: No, I'd never really thought about Alexandra-as-lipstick-lesbian. She was always going so hard after Alan. But I think I can see it.