Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pug Chic

The pug is the flavor of the month in Hollywood. As a former pug owner, I must say that they'll fit right in in Hollywood: they are born thinking they're already stars. They can teach those starlets a thing or two about being a true diva! Plus, they're just so darn cute! (And I don't want anyone saying, "They're so ugly!" They're not; they're beautiful.)

Another reason pugs fit in in Hollywood? Pugs also often have nose jobs, though in their case it's not cosmetic, but to breath more easily. Still, it's plastic surgery!


Margaret said...

Don't hate me, but I think pugs fall into the "so ugly they're adorable" category. My sister has a Boston terrier, and I think he's the same way.

Frank said...

*grumble* Well, I think I can not hate you, since you did say you think they're ultimately adorable. Got me with a technicality!