Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Western Civilization Isn't Quite Dead Yet

The American public redeemed itself (slightly) by showing just enough vestigial good taste to condemn Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector to a 7th place showing at the box office. I've never been prouder to be an American.


toobusyliving said...

Although there is always hope, and I certainly wouldn't want to confuse America with "Western Civilization" in any real way, you might enjoy the floowing piece by a columnist I cheer and adore.

(I guess William Blake isn't for everyone)

Oh, and this:


Notice the clever use of the word "perineum."

Let me know what you think.

Frank said...

Pretty much sums up my views, toobusy. I'm not quite as down on People (I often read it while waiting at the barbershop), though I certainly deplore the crazy, inexplicable, over-the-top, and mind-boggling Cult of Celebrity we are currently living through.

Bigg said...

Wow. I was gonna make a comment about how ole Larry didn't exactly "git 'er done!" in that movie, but given the tone of the other two comments, I'm sort of humbled that I even thought about it.