Saturday, August 27, 2005

Most Frequently Used English Words

They're pretty much what you'd expect:

1) the

2) of

3) and

4) to

5) a

6) in

7) that

8) it

9) is

10) was

"Like" is #67, though probably much higher in some vocabularies (I know I use it all the damn time). "Fuck" is #5598, though since this program is based on the British National Corpus, I expect that's a low ranking due to the fact that people tend to say it a lot more than they write it. On a note of pure blog vanity, "bourgeois" and "nerd" are #7063 and #70675, respectively.

Go try it out; it's fun!

(Via Bookslut)


MG said...

Thanks for posting this - it's a lot of fun. My last name "Gonzalez" ranks right before the word "homophobia" YIKES!

Frank said...

Thanks, Mark! That is kinda creepy about your name.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see that "love" ranks over "hate."