Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm Partial to Sloth Myself

Some think it's time my homosexual brethren and sistren branched out from just celebrating Pride and move on to some other sins. Like we need any help in sinning. I mean, we're going to be thrust into the burning pit to suffer an eternity of torment for our sodomitic ways anyway, so who cares?

(Via Gawker)

In other gay news, not only are we sinful, but we're also totally subtle! But what about guys who curve the other way, as pointed out by the readers of Towleroad? And what about guys like me who go straight up? Will someone please think of the right- and non-curved dicks!!!

(Via Towleroad)


CB said...

Psst. Your first link is for that text book article again, I think.

Could be quick clickin' on my part, but check it out to be safe.

PS. Those undies are too much!

Frank said...

Thanks, Cindy! It's nice to know you've always got my back.