Sunday, June 26, 2005

Biology Is Fascinating!

Biology's an interesting field. Life is just so varied and, well, downright weird! The following three items all come via via the wonderfully-named Pharyngula, the blog of a biologist/anti-creationist. Simply fascinating!

- Did you know that there is actually a poisonous primate (biochemically, not spiritually, as some humans are)? But it's so cute, you say! Well, you're right, but it's got big-ass fangs and secretes a nasty toxin from glands at its elbows! (It slathers the toxin onto its teeth).

Speaking of cuteness, while cooing at the lorises, take a look at "Venomdoc." He's a total hottie!

- Yeast seems to have developed alcoholism some 80 million years ago. See, people, it wasn't the Irish!!!

- Want to know the hot new destination for androphobic lesbians? The Island of the Amazon Insects.

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