Monday, May 30, 2005

I Feel Such A Fool!

About two hours ago, I somehow deleted all of my bookmarks! It's taken me all that time to reestablish everything. If I hadn't have had a slightly-out-of-date backup, who knows how long it would have taken!!! I'm paranoid that I didn't get everything; actually, I know I didn't. I just hope it wasn't anything important.


CB said...

Ugh! I did that when I moved back home after graduation.

You and I are such night-owls. lol ...

Help me think of a new blog name. I've only changed it like 3 times, as compared to my usual 20.

Jake said...

how in the heck did you do that?

Frank said...

Jake, I have no idea how I did it. Actually, I know what happened, but I have no idea how to describe it or what it really was. If that makes any sense.

Cindy, I'll try to think of a blog name for you. I'm not that great at that sort of thing, though.

CB said...

Thanks :)

I was thinking maybe something like Pink Window. Then if I ever get my own URL it could be ... lol.

I'm not sure, everything except "Killing The Buddha" sounds lame to me right now.

Best blog title ever!

Frank said...

How about Pink Widow Spider?

CB said...

See, but then is the window pink or is the spider? lol