Saturday, April 23, 2005

And he doesn't look a day over 430!

Thanks to the Maud Newton Blog, I've learned that today (April 23rd) is old Billy Shakespeare's 441st birthday. Of the several links provided to mark the occasion, this site is my favorite. There are actually quite a few sites with Shakespearean insults, but that's the nicest I've come across.

I must admit, I'm not a die-hard Shakespearean. I totally appreciate his genius, but just have never really gotten in to him like a lot of other people do. My favorite of his plays, though, is Titus Andronicus, solely due to the way my Shakespeare I professor taught it. You ain't seen nothing until you've seen one Dr. Nathan Carb do an impression of a tongueless, handless Lavinia! I also like Much Ado About Nothing, because Benedick and Beatrice are the best couple ever, and Merchant of Venice, because of the complexity and ambiguity of Shylock. As a logophile, I also appreciate Shakespeare as a wordsmith. He singlehandedly created hundreds (if not thousands) of the words we use every day.

Kudos and huzzah to the ultimate Dead White Guy!
Happie Birthdaye, Barde! (Nothing says "Shakespearean" like random e's at the end of words!)

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